Waszp Atlantic Coast Camp
Waszp Camp for all sailors on East Coast! welcoming new foilers and those looking to improve their skills as well! Friday to Wednesday at Swampscott YC. Daily schedule: 10:00 to...
Waszp Camp for all sailors on East Coast! welcoming new foilers and those looking to improve their skills as well! Friday to Wednesday at Swampscott YC. Daily schedule: 10:00 to...
Board Foiling Demos Sign up for FREE at this link: https://inflowadventure.com/products/inflow-wecanfoil-demo-session Brought to you by InFlow Adventure Co., & WeCANFoil this is your opportunity to get a taste for...
Come try wingfoil and windserf foiling at ECOVOILE! www.ecovoile.com
Foiling Regatta supported by WeCANFoil Waszp Charters and coaching available. Regatta Registration: https://cork.org/2024-foiling-fall-cork/
Great week to try and develop foiling in Waszp, Wingfoil, IQFoil and Nacra! Great coaches, great athletes from across Canada! Wrap up with the Waszp CANFoil Cup Sat-Sun!
Wrap up CANFoil Week with the Waszp CANFoil Cup Sat-Sun! register here: https://theclubspot.com/regatta/hwnTxL10BK
Inviting all girls and women to come try foiling! Location: Royal Victoria Yacht Club Waszp and Wingfoil! Registration: https://forms.gle/qA6VWBgeiPZHhWBG8
WeCANFoil, in partnership with Sail Canada, is hosting a CANSail Foiling Instructor Module on Oct 11-13th at Jericho Sailing Centre in Vancouver. This clinic is designed to train CANSail instructors...
Come try foiling in Victoria at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club! Waszp & Wingfoil. Amazing Coaches and welcoming enviorment! Registration: https://forms.gle/PwEY79f923o1KUAv9
Come and learn to foil with WeCANFoil at Comox Sailing Association. Waszp - IQFoil - Wingfoil!
Join us for a great event at Tavor Academy as we head south for the winter. Come train in Waszp!
Waszp Clinic in preparation for Orange Bowl Regatta. Location: Miami Yacht Club You can pick among 2 levels: Learn To Foil Group: For those looking to get comfortable in the...